Jan 24, 2005 19:19
hokay so skool so heres how it went down AWESOME sam sat with us at lunch lmao damn i love our lunch time. i wrote 3 notes in one day wow thats a record breaker!! and then oh no its rons last day mehh saddness we hugged and played scrabble in french and now hes gone. ......c'est la vie :( and thne after school i went ot jills n lost her gerbil while she was smoking so after we found it her room marjorly reeked so i came home and TA DA my rAv3R pants came today and then i cooked a pretty rad supper but forgot to wait for my dad to wait it OH WELL
and so thats where im left theres talk of me going to North Carolina thursday ooo oooo ooooo i so hope so id be flying down alone SC0rE! i love being at airports n flying with people i just met all by myself!! :)