[voice | filtered to Zeetha | hard to hack] gathering information

Jun 11, 2009 20:21

Hoy Zeetha, iz dere anyvun called Sakata on hyu ship?

takasugi, gatherink information, zeetha

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daughterofchump June 12 2009, 05:02:28 UTC
There's a Gintoki Sakata aboard. Male, pale silver-blue hair, red eyes. Why, is he in trouble?


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 12 2009, 05:29:03 UTC
Hy dunno, iz he?

Iz... *thinks for a moment to make sure she's using the right word* ...an acquaintance of some pipples on my ship.

Vhich may or may not be trouble, Hy suppoze.
Chust vonderink.


[filtred to Jenka | hard to hack] daughterofchump June 12 2009, 05:33:12 UTC
Good question.

What kind of people?


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 12 2009, 05:42:39 UTC
Takasugi Shinsuke - iz an interestink kind ov person. Hyu seen his little story a vhile ago, mebbe? [ooc: http://visceralreality.livejournal.com/1207.html]

Und Kensei, vho doesn't say much but seems to know vot he'z doink.

Vot iz dis Gintoki Sakata like, den?


[filtered to Jenka| hard to hack] daughterofchump June 12 2009, 06:01:05 UTC
Yeah, a real freakjob.

But what Gintoki is like? He pisses people off and makes enemies easily. When he first posted looking for a job over the network, several people replied telling everyone NOT to hire him. Which naturally made me like him a little.

But after that... He was lazy at first, but works hard once he's got a fire lit under his ass. He has a big mouth, and he's still learning not to give me sass...but I don't think he's a bad sort. He follows Jean around like a puppy.

Maybe in a year or so I could actually like him.


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 12 2009, 06:07:38 UTC
Ho, dun take me wrong - Hy like him. But, vell, dot's me. *chuckle*

Sounds pretty harmless, dis Gintoki. Hokay.

Vell, how hyu doink on dot ship, dollink? Hy saw hyu in a play a vhile ago - hyu vos beink Vohemar, yah? Goot job!


[filtered to Jenka | hard to hack] daughterofchump June 12 2009, 07:42:40 UTC
Ha ha! It doesn't surprise me. Don't get me wrong either, I don't dislike him. He has his moments. It's just that I would like him more if I didn't have to boss him. It's very difficult to boss people like him. I'm still figuring it out. I can't do most of the things I remember from my childhood ( ... )


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 13 2009, 04:05:01 UTC
*dangerous/amused tone* Hy meant Takasugi, Zeetha. Don't hyu go forgettink vot Hy iz.
*more lightly* Besides, he'z real pretty.

Vot kind ov demihuman iz dis Gintoki?

Und vot vould dose tings be? How doez Skifandians go about bossink pipples, hmm? Sounds interestink... Hyu iz rather goot at makink everyvun do tings, Hy gots to say. Makes sense dot hyu'z a boatswain! Nize. Sounds like tings iz goink pretty vell, den! Vit hyu 'little vork husband', even. *laugh* Hyu sleepink vit him, too, sveethot?

Mebbe Hy should visit zumtime und see dis ship ov hyours. But az for theater, hyu should make Dimo do it first. Dot vould be amusink!

Hy hazn't been op to all dot much. Dese cactuars vas pretty fun, yah? I'z gettink to know some ov our new recruits, too. Ve gots a few goot vuns.


[filtered to Jenka | hard to hack] daughterofchump June 13 2009, 04:25:30 UTC
I'm not forgetting! But you can never judge a book by its cover...and I can't smell people like you can. I don't know what kind he is. I've not seen him do anything too weird.

Those things? Mostly hitting. Punishments. Our instructors would carry around staffs and whack us when we made mistakes. Or weren't alert enough to duck.

No I'm not sleeping with him. He's very married to his real wife, I think. He keeps showing everyone this picture of his daughter...though I don't really understand why his family aren't with him when he obviously likes them so much.

You should visit sometime. I wish we could have gone camping while we were in Bydan, but with everything going on I didn't want to leave the ship.

As for theater, do you mean to tell me Dimo hasn't told you anything about life with the circus??


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 13 2009, 04:43:39 UTC
*half-seriously* Goot.

Vot kind? *soft growl* Iz beautiful vit a sword. Und dangerous to chust about everyvun, Hy tink. Goot company for me - but probably not for any friends ov hyours.

Hittink pipples vit sticks sounds like a goot system! For humans, anyvay... Vny in de vorld doezn't hyu do dot on de ship, den? Hy'z sure it vould vork chust as vell here as in Skifander. Ve could use more ov dot.

Awww! All dese married pipples. Or as goot as married. Hyu sleepink vit anyvun at all, den? If hyu ship even gots any more men vot aren't leetle boys, anyvay... Hyu all goink to de races too, yez? Mebbe ve'll haff some time den, since ve'z not de flyink types.

Dimo did say a leettle, but Hy never actually seen him on stage! *giggle*


[filtered to Jenka | hard to hack] daughterofchump June 13 2009, 05:03:56 UTC
Why not? Oh Jenka...you've been spoiled by Heterodynes. The Captain and First Mate would never let me. Anyway, it's not like I'd hit them that much, I just don't like having to worry about it, that's all.

No...I'm not sleeping with anyone. The list is pretty short. The Captain and First Mate are interested in each other, most of the men are underaged or homosexual or both, my work husband is married...But it can make for a weird working environment anyway. Here, at least.

Yes, I'll definitely be at the races! I strong-armed one of our boys into joining, so I'm going to see it all the way through.

You've never seen Dimo, huh? Well you got to get him to do a scene for you...Really, you should have SEEN Master Payne's face when the boys wanted to join up. Fighting with each other about who was 'leading man material' and wanting to 'kiss ze gorls'. They were kidding a little, but the girls were shaking in their shoes!


[voice | Zeetha | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 13 2009, 05:18:51 UTC
Yah, Hy'z been spoiled all right! *laugh* For a few decades vhen Hy vos young, Hy vos gettink flogged pretty much every veek! Und vonce, vhen Hy stole Mamma's booze... Chust let me tell hyu - annoyink hyu medics iz a very not schmot ting to do.
*goes from amused to more... thoughtful or something* Und den dere vos Master Iago... Ho, Zeetha, hyu gots no idea.

*cheerful again* But dot vos all before. Hyu might vant to give Miss Agatha some lessons on de vhole hittink pipples ting. Hy'z not sure she gets it, but Hy tink she gots potential.

Yah, dot sounds like a veird environment all right! De 4423 iz pretty strange too, Hy gots to say. Ve'z supposed to be pirates, but most ov de pipples on de ship iz all nize!

Hy can imagine dot!
How dey do vit de gurls, den? Shakink in dere shoes izn't alvays a bad ting, hyu know. Und de boyz iz pretty goot-lookink, no?


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