[ Voice | filtered to the other Jägers | unhackable ] What the hell is the captain doing??

Mar 07, 2009 21:20

Vot de hell iz hyu captain doink?! Hyu gots any ideas?

If she doez vot she says, hyu'z gun haff to eidder say hyu agreed vit her about poisoning Doma, or admit hyu vos scared ov one gurl. Or say she's lyink, and dot vill chust confuse everyvun.

I hope she tinks ov someting vot makes more sense.

surprise, maxim, dimo, preparing for trouble, gkika

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[Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 08:18:05 UTC
She probably gonna make it look she did de poisonink vitout any of us knowink. Vhich, hyu know, sounds belieffable. None of us iz dot schmott. *laughs*

*more serious* Hy trusts her. She knows vot she iz doink.


[Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 08:27:39 UTC
Sure, dot vould make sense, but dot isn't vot she's tellink hyu to say. Und she's refusink to explain vot she's doink.

Hyu hasn't been here dot long - vhy hyu trust her so much?


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 08:38:51 UTC
Hey, dun underestimate her. She'z scaryvhen hyu does zumtink she dun like! Besides, hyu tinks Hy vould try to shtop her from killink a bunch of pipple? Vould any of us? Ve iz pirates, after all. Und zum of us iz Jägers vhich iz better.

Not dot long? Hy has been here for more dan a year. Year und... three months mebbe? She iz a schmott gorl und neffer let us down. Vhy hyu tink Hy shouldn't trust her?


[Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 08:46:45 UTC
Dimo sounded verra upset about all de pipple dyink, so he might. But hyu gots a goot point. I vouldn't if I vos dere.

I doesn't know anytink about her, so how vould I know if I'z underestimatink her or not? Vun year izn't long. I doesn't know if hyu should trust her or not, eidder - dot's vhy I'z asking. Chust dot she's done a goot job as a captain doesn't mean I'd trust her in dis kind of ting.


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 08:53:31 UTC
Hy tinks hyu iz vorryink too much. Vhen has ve effer had trouble ve couldn't handle? Effen if de captain's plan falls trough, iz hyu really afraid of Ivonan law?


Re: [Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 08:58:49 UTC
*laugh* Ov cozz not!

Vonderink about de plan, iz all. Und vhy she doesn't vant to explain about it. But hyu'z right - iz gonna be fun eidder vay.


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 09:11:18 UTC
Hokay, vait. Vot else she gots to explain? Dere iz like... two or three paragraphs at least in dot post of hers.


Re: [Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 09:17:02 UTC
Vot she gots to explain iz dot de plan makes no sense!

Here hyu goes. *sends a copy of Jenka's journal conversation with Isako: http://buriedmemory.livejournal.com/19080.html?thread=229768#t229768*


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 09:27:14 UTC
*sighs loudly as if he's tired of the conversation*

Hyu shtill ain't told me vhy de plan dun make sense.


Re: [Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 09:38:14 UTC
If dey vants to keel us, dey can, no matter vot she does. *chuckles* Or dey can try, at least. Hy dun see how her confessink helps us any. Unless she knows zumtink Hy don't. Und she izn't explainink it.

Und like hyu said - if she told dem de crew didn't know, mebbe dey believe her, but if she tells dem hyu vos all too scared ov her? No vay. So vot's de point?

*remembers they decided it didn't really matter*

Vhy iz ve schtill talkink about dis?


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 09:52:53 UTC
*voice flares suddenly in volume and intensity*

Hyu iz right. Dey can do vhatever dey vants vit us, no matter vot she does. Bot confessink iz takink de blame off of de rest of us! No matter how ve says it happened, if she confesses ve iz off de hook. If dey decides to kip us for zumtink else, den dey iz gonna do it no matter vot.

Hyu sayz hyu knows nottink about her. Vell Hy does. Hy knows lots. Hyu should be keesink her feet for giffink herself zo dot hyu can valk free. Dot's a preety beeg sacrifice for zumvun hyu doesn't effen know.

Ve iz shtill tokkink about dis becozz Hy gots friends on dis ship und Hy cares vot happens to dem. Mebbe ve gets out fine, bot dey iz gonna heff more trouble.

Und trust me. De captain ain't gonna change de plan, no matter vot hyu says.

Chust cool it, hokay? Und leave her alone. She probably ain't feelink too goot right now.


Re: [Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 10:13:09 UTC



Hyu'z missink de point. Doesn't matter, anyvay. Hyu really cares about her - hokay, Hy gets it.

Hyu gots friends, ve try to get dem out. If hyu tells me vho dey iz. Anytink else ve needs to talk about before ve gets dere?


Re: [Voice] holdon2yourhat March 8 2009, 21:01:17 UTC
Yah, Hy misses points a lot. Sorry bout dot.

Personally, Hy iz tired of tokkink. If hyu needs me, hyu knows vhere to find me.

[lol, I think Jenka filled up Maxim's talking quotient for the whole day. He's all tuckered out.]


Re: [Voice] causink_trouble March 8 2009, 21:24:49 UTC
Yah, I'z tinking about dis too much. Iz pointless.


[Yeah, her own too... Flailing disoriented!Jenka, lol. There's been so much stuff happening! She doesn't like not knowing what's going on, but I think she's going to have to accept these people are just too confusing for her.]


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