SPN 2x19 Folsom Prison Blues

Apr 28, 2007 21:37

I'm the last person in the world to see this, as usual, but oh my God, THE GREAT ESCAPE, you guys. The Great Escape references THROUGH THE ROOF. I grew UP on that damned movie. We watched it at least once a summer, Steve McQueen the Cooler King and his baseball and everything. I was literally the only kid in my eleventh grade English class who caught the references to The Great Escape in the Simpsons episode about A Streetcar Named Desire (we were reading the play in class and my teacher loved The Simpsons, hence the watching it in English class), and I flailed all through the Simpsons ep and was woefully misunderstood, but the flailing is NOTHING LIKE IT IS RIGHT NOW.

I am also flailing about Dean's tiny shirt. And how he knows how well he fits in at prison. And how upset he gets about having to give up the cigarettes, even though he doesn't smoke. (Weird, 'cause somehow I'd gotten it in my mind that he did.) And how Sam gets all uncomfortable at his cellmate staring at him, because even though there's no drop-the-soap joke it's totally there in my head. Yesss.

And the reveal with Deacon rocked my socks. And could the PD be more awesome? And could I use the word "and" a little more? Heh.

Basically, I can sum this episode up thusly: Rock on, SPN. Rock. On.


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