und ich muss vorm Gericht gehn um sie zu sehn

Apr 20, 2007 01:05

Two bits of news:

1) The post-Heart fic is 5,219 words long and it has found a plot! Kind of. Also, there is a PG-13ish hint of the Wincest to come! Sweeeeet. Although man. balefully is my hero. She has written more in the past twenty-four hours than my fic is TOTAL. And on a truly beautiful fic as well: Fashionista!Sam. Every time she posts a snippet on stilettocamp I nearly wet myself with excitement.

2) I got into the scary fiction creative writing class with the Quasi-Famous Author for next fall! This means I need to actually, uh, write fiction that isn't fanfic! But whatever, I am so excited (and drunk!) that I am using exclamation points at the end of every sentence!

druuuuunkenness, rl

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