early in the morning when the sun is on the east side

Oct 31, 2008 22:52

I was going to go to the Halloween parade in the East Village with one of the girls I work with, except then she canceled on me to go turkey hunting. TURKEY HUNTING. SERIOUSLY. She called me at six and was like, "Sooo my boyfriend and one of his friends are dragging me upstate to go hunt turkeys, I am not amused."

This definitely wins for most creative instance of plans being canceled ever!

It was actually good that she canceled on me, though, because I was stuck at work until nine-thirty anyway. And I would have hated to have canceled on her, since my excuse wouldn't have been nearly as awesome. I would have been like, "Sooo I can't go out yet because I am printing out shit."

This is my life, you guys. SUPER EXCITING.

I went out with a bunch of people from work the other night, including the one guy from my department who I think is cute. There's some UST there! It's good times! He's also balding at age twenty-seven! My department got us all drunk at a twice-yearly reception -- I think this is to keep the natives from becoming restless. It worked pretty well, really. I was all, "I am frequently here for MANY HOURS more than I would like to be!" and they said, "Here, have an alcohol!" and suddenly I was happy! They're freaking tricky.

Anyway! I have big plans for this weekend. All of my roommates are out of town, so I'm going to run up and down the hall naked at all hours. And also I'm going to go wander around the West Village, because I haven't been there (sober) since March 2006. It is time.

Also, I signed up for mini_nanowrimo! For . . . 100 words a day. Literally. That is all I can guarantee I have time for. I can write 100 words in about three minutes flat, and that is seriously ALL I HAVE TIME FOR during the week. walkawayslowly signed up for the same, and we were talking about it the other night, like, we can write 3,000 words in a DAY when we really get going. We can write MORE than that in a day, easily!

Damn this day job shit, you guys.

The other day at work Pandora got the song "Disintegration" by Jimmy Eat World stuck in my head hardcore. So I went on YouTube to see if I could find a video of it that I could listen to on repeat until it got out of my head.

There were a bunch of live versions of it, which, ehh. I tend to really latch onto a particular version of a song, and the version I'd latched onto was the album version, so I kept clicking on random ones until I found one that was the right version. And then I listened to it on repeat forever, and it was great.

EXCEPT it turned out, hilariously, that it was a One Tree Hill songvid. I had the screen minimized, okay, I was just listening to the music, I didn't wait to see what the video itself was going to look like once I knew the song was right, so I did not KNOW what I had on repeat until I paused it in the middle once and BAM, Chad Michael Murray's face.

See for yourselves, if you are wondering. Apparently "Disintegration" was actually featured on OTH, I guess? I have no idea. It's a good song, but whatever, there was accidental Chad in my life. It was kinda terrifying.

writing, druuuuunkenness, music, merrin is my braintwin, rl

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