make a beeline toward the border

Oct 09, 2008 23:01

So I've had this vision of boots and New York City for a really long time. Like, YEARS. But boots are basically the worst possible thing for me to shop for, because I am really short and I have kind of stupidly muscular calves, so boot shopping tends to end in tragedy.

Whatever, the other night I broke down and finally bought a pair of boots online. And yesterday I found out that I got a bonus from my summer job, so I was like, SWEET, my bonus more than covered my boots! My boots were free!

As I was thinking this whole thing through, I was walking out of work, and I walked RIGHT past a homeless guy who was picking his dinner out of the garbage. And I felt like a truly horrible human being.

In other news, I found out earlier that one of my superiors lives in my building. How weird. I could run into him doing his LAUNDRY.

I also somehow just discovered the joy that is listening to Pandora at work. Awesome music that I HAVEN'T listened to nine thousand billion times on iTunes! I'm not sure that it's different than or anything else along those lines, but I couldn't remember my password the other day or, in fact, what was called, and my roommate had just been talking about Pandora the night before. I like Pandora! But it's also very tricky. It has you type in an artist you like and then it brings you more along those lines, or so it claims. Except after a while I realized I'd been listening to country for quite some time, and that was totally not where I started. Like I said, tricky.

music, rl

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