Big Bang rec: What Remains by walkawayslowly

Jul 01, 2008 22:21

Okay, dudes. So I haven't read a whole lot of Big Bang fics outside of the ones that I've betaed. The fic I'm reccing here IS one of the ones that I've betaed, and you're welcome to think I'm biased all you want, since if you've been on my LJ at all you probably know that I think walkawayslowly is the awesomest girl around -- but nonetheless, I'm reccing Merrin's BB, because this fic is SO FRIGGIN' GOOD.

What Remains by walkawayslowly
Dean/Sam, Bobby, OMC/OFC (bear with me, people) | NC-17 | 39,500 words | post-S3 amnesia fic
This is the one where Dean loses his memory and himself, and Sam has to find both.

I should start by saying that I am INSANELY picky about Wincest these days, and that while there's a lot of lovely post-S3 fic out there that deals with Dean being in Hell, that's not anything I hugely want to read right now -- happily, this story is 100% post-Hell, and contains nothing but allusions to it! It's also amnesia fic with two fantastic POV characters (one who is Sam and one who is not) and, oh, really awesome first-time Wincest.

Also, I understand that a lot of people are wary of O.C.s, but seriously? PLEASE do not let the mention of original characters here turn you away from this story. It's pretty fucking amazing to get to watch the development of the Wincest both from inside the relationship and outside it.

Oh yeah, and Sam likes to be all angsty, but there's plenty of schmoop to balance that right out.

Seriously, GO. Read it. It's AWESOME.

big bang, recs, sam/dean, merrin is my braintwin

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