Drunk post!

Feb 05, 2006 00:01

So I claimed I had a crush on this boy, Tom, all of last spring, but I'm pretty sure that 1) I never really had a crush on him and 2) if I did, it's long since over. So why do we act exactly the same around each other as when I thought I had a crush on him? By which I mean, überawkward? I don't get it. Maybe he just never quite figured out that I didn't actually have a crush on him, that I was just channeling my general sexual frustration in his direction, but still, urgh.

In other news, lacrosse is fucking amazing. I heart my lax girlies. I do not, however, heart my suitemate at the moment, for I am drunk and want to go to bed, and she thought it would be a good idea to take a shower at 12:04 in the morning, an idea in which she clearly is mistaken. Fuck it, suitemate, I want to go to bed! But first I must pee and you are preventing this by taking a shower! Not cool, suitemate. Not Cool.


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