Jan 08, 2006 22:13
Why is it that I have never, ever heard anyone talk about Sydney/Noah? I assume it's because something is going to go badly, Noah's going to die, that sort of thing, but after "Masquerade" (ep. 18 of Season One) I am shipping Syd/Noah like whoa. Make babies, Syd/Noah, make babies. Except, y'know, don't take that literally, because pregnancy as a plot device? Horrible call. *cough Season Five cough*
Seriously though, the chemistry there? So freaking hot. I haven't seen anything that hot since, well, Brokeback Mountain yesterday.
I've got this odd tendency to read/watch series completely out of order. In fact, I've used the same exact pattern of reading/watching completely out of order both for Alias and for Stephen King's Dark Tower series: 4, 2, 3, 1, and then the rest of it. (Although I never did finish Season Three of Alias, which is a pity, because there is so much cool stuff there, like Lauren going evil and Lauren/Sark and omg.) It makes for some really strange reading/watching, because you know a good bit of what happens to the major characters ahead of time and the general arc of the plot, but there are all sorts of things you completely don't see coming, like Sydney/Noah. Probably because it's one of those plotlines where the writers are going to drop it like it's hot in one or two more episodes. But for right now? Sydney/Noah oh yes. Developing Sydney/Vaughn? Ehh no one cares.
And P.S., the "horny" mood icon wins at life. I don't, because I am updating every five seconds like a thirteen-year-old and saying "omg" repeatedly. I kind of need to find something to do with my life.