So, by far my favorite thing I got for Christmas this year:
The Elements of Style Illustrated! I can't even begin to explain how intense my nerdy hard-on for this book is. I've been carrying it around the house all morning and sketchily stroking its cover. If I'd had this two days ago, I wouldn't have had to ask you guys to explain farther vs. further to me! I could have looked inside and had Strunk and White chew me apart for being an idiot for not knowing such a simple thing! Ordinarily I'm not so big on textbooks that make fun of me (for instance, my eleventh grade pre-Calculus book, which actually contained the sentence, "This should be easy to solve, if you are clever enough to figure out how!") but for whatever reason, Strunk and White can beat me down all day and I will be right there saying, "Thank you, sir, maybe I have another?"
I have no real plans for the rest of the day, other than hopefully to watch Superbad (my youngest brother is a Christmas gift GENIUS) and to write a bunch of holiday card ficlets. I still owe LOTS of you guys cards; I'm so sorry! And there are some of you I will probably be harassing for your addresses very soon, since I don't think I have them. It occurs to me that I have written nothing but Sam/Dean ficlets for my cards thus far, so probably the rest of you will be getting J2, because hey, they can drink eggnog and make out under mistletoe just as easily as Sam and Dean can fall through ice and have to share a sleeping bag for warmth! These will probably end up being more New Year's cards than Generic December Holiday cards, but hey. The holidays can continue into January! January deserves some holiday cheer!
Speaking of holiday cheer, that J2 Family Man fic I keep rambling about is over 15K so far, and we are like, T-500 words from full-on buttsex. THANKS BE TO THE BABY JESUS. It will be up before I leave for Chicago! It will, it will. Speaking of which: anyone interested in betaing? It'll be done hopefully sometime tomorrow. The end is totally in sight. I will probably repeat this call when LJ-land is not actually completely dead, but just in case anyone is a dork like me and actually around on Christmas Day, I thought I'd go ahead and throw it out there.
So anyway, I hope you guys are all having a wonderful day, whether you celebrate Christmas or not. ♥