New Beginning

Jan 05, 2011 01:36

Hi, remember me?

So for a while now I've been feeling very over LJ, like that I'm done with it. I haven't had much interest in writing anything here for a long time and I only made 1 entry in the whole of December! That's never happened to me before.

I had accepted the fact that I was done with LJ, that now it was all about Facebook and I was fine with that. I wasn't going to delete my journal or make some grand goodbye post or anything. I was planing on still logging on my journal to look for slash stories when my stash ran out.

But in the past two weeks or so, I've on numerous occasions had ideas for posts to make on my LJ and I'd write them up in my mind like I did before but I would never post them. I'd think what's the point, nobody is reading this anymore, why even bother. Just let it go. I had almost completely stopped reading my friendspage this winter but ever since the break started, I've been checking out my friendspage twice a day or something and even commenting a few times and voting on polls and such.

So now I'm thinking that maybe I should give this another chance. Perhaps try to get back into the swing of making posts here. But I know I wont be posting anything fandom related. There wont be anything about Supernatural or Jared and Jensen or any tv shows or celebrities in general. I'm not obsessed with these things like I was in the past and originally my journal was mostly just fandom related and I know that most of the people I have on my mutual friendslist are there because of fandom reasons.

Don't get me wrong though, I still watch a TON of tv shows and Supernatural is still my favorite and nothing has come close to replacing it. But I just don't feel the need to talk about it.

Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi, and happy new year! I'm still at home in Iceland for the holiday break but I'll be going back to London on Saturday. Even though I've really enjoyed being home, I'm looking forward to going back. I LOVE my life in London, it's making me so happy beyond anything I've felt in a really long time :-)

Feel free to stop by and say hi!
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