Characters: ZoLu
Comments: Sweet little drabble
Ratings: Really low. No sex here. Not even kissing.
Summary: Zoro wakes up and realise that Luffy are sleeping really close to him.
Suddenly he was there, laying in his arms, fast asleep.
Zoro was awoken by a soft snore close to his ear, and opened his eyes just to find Luffy's sleeping face really close to his own. Luffy’s breath was slow and calm, and his body warm. His body was still marked by a soft, sleepy limpness. His mouth had frozen in a semi smile, as if he had been truly happy just before he lost the battle against sleep. He could only have been sleeping for a while, because his breath still smelled sweetly. And now he was lying in Zoro’s arms.
Zoro did not know how to approach the situation; he noticed how his own body, which a few seconds ago had been limp and sleepy, tightened. Before his mind was able to wake up, his body grew tense and anxious. Why was Luffy lying in his arms all of a sudden? Zoro couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t been hoping for this for weeks already, but he had never picked up the courage to give his wish a voice. Sometimes he tried to tell himself that he didn’t find his captain’s naïve eyes attractive, that he didn’t find his stretchy body intriguing. Sometimes he tried to tell himself that the age difference didn’t matter, that he could and should feel that the two years that separated them was a hindrance they could ignore. Sometimes he had been sitting beside the sleeping captain at night, and tried to tell himself that the captain was approachable. But he was never able to fool himself. When Luffy was sleeping, he looked so young for his years. The captain was little more than a boy, - and the innocence that marked his face when he was sleeping did everything to pronounce it.
Whenever Luffy moved, Zoro’s hands clutched his blanket rather than putting his arms around the little pirate. He was so used to counting on luck and trusting his skills. Now he was rather counting the little pirate’s heartbeats and distrusting his own ability to handle this situation. Zoro hadn’t been sleeping this close to anyone in ages. Over the years, his personal space had been established, and widened. Only when fighting did he let anyone approach him more closely. Now he was wondering what to do. Should he put his arms around the other pirate? Or stroke his back? Patting his head sounded nice, but he didn’t know how to do it without waking him up. As his mind processed these ideas, they always nearly reached his arm. They caused his fingers to move, and his muscles twitch, - but it never gave birth to real action. His arms never moved more than a mere millimetre.
Suddenly Luffy’s eyes opened, and with wild, staring eyes, he stared at Zoro. His eyes were filled with panic, his mouth tried to speak, but didn’t manage to. Instead his throat made a thin, squeaky sound in which words could not be recognized. Seeing the white in the little pirate’s eyes didn’t scare Zoro. Luffy often woke up screaming at night. Sometimes he was crying in his sleep. Sometimes he dreamt that he was fighting some hypothetical enemy, and ended up punching a hole through the floor, - and sometimes, like now, his whole body went rigid, his eyes filled with panic and as he tried to speak, he went back to sleep.
Finally, Zoro let his impulses act on his minds behalf. He put his arms around the stiff little pirate. Both arms pulled the little body towards his own, ensuring that no part of his body was uncovered by the coarse grey blanket. He let his fingers move slowly across Luffy’s back, and he felt how the other body once more relaxed, and went asleep.
For once, - Luffy slept quietly. Except from soft muffled soughs, he didn’t voice a word, and except when he crept even closer to Zoro’s warm body, he didn’t move. He did, however, wake up a few times, not screaming, but smiling; not moaning, but soughing. He was not going strange, but relaxed. When the sleepy captain opened his eyes, Zoro could recognise the Luffy he knew in there, rather than some scared kid. And Zoro fell asleep. He was laying close to the other pirate, - so much closer to Luffy than he had ever thought possible. He was still all too aware of the other pirate’s young age and childlike manners, - but right now, he just being close to him was a source of satisfaction. Zoro closed his eyes, and fell asleep.