The Sermon On The Mount

May 10, 2008 22:33

Do you ever feel like sometimes you get it, and then, other times, you are completely lost? I mean, there are those moments in life when everything is going exactly as we would want it to go, and then there are other instances when something so simple and biting can come along and throw us right on our face.

I was just reading the words of Jesus, a section in the Bible most refer to as the sermon on the Mount... I guess because he was up on a mountain preaching a sermon? Nevertheless, there are some really tricky ideas tangled up in His words. For example, He likens being angry to murdering someone. He also says that if someone looks at a woman lustfully it's the same as committing adultery. He says that it's not a good idea to swear to someone, but simply say yes or no to them. He says if a man hits you in your face, turn so he can hit punch you in the other cheek as well. He even says love the people that hate you. He says to never ever judge people because you will be judged the same. This is only fraction of what is there too...

When I was reading this, I realized that I have probably broken every one of these at some point in my life. I am sure that I have judged someone this week. I know I have gotten angry with someone too. People may say that Jesus didn't say these things to show us we can't ever live up to them... But, I think that is exactly why He said them. It hit me that these things are good things to strive for and all, but a part of why he said all of these things was, in fact, to show us that we, in fact, can't measure up. Even more than that, it shows us how much we need Him in our lives. Reading on in the book of Matthew, we can see Jesus healing so many people of wretched diseases, and He forgives people of their filthiest sins. He puts back together that which was shattered to pieces by humanities destructive ways.

Just thought I would share... It doesn't matter what you have done. Jesus knew you wouldn't measure up, and that's why He gave us His life.

After you are done reading this go and spend some time in prayer while listening to my profile song on myspace.

Go. Be encouraged.



Here are the lyrics to the song if you want to read along. Its quite amazing.

Burn In Me
By The Glorious Unseen

Fire of God
Burn in me
Capture my heart again
Pull me through
Make me clean
I'm reaching for your love

Come carry me now
I'm crying out
For someone I can not see
Come carry me now
I'm crying

How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love excepts me as I am

Breathe of God
Breath on me
Hold me in your hands
Take my life
This offering
And use me where I am

Come carry me now
I'm crying out
For someone I can not see
Come carry me now
I'm crying

How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love excepts me as I am

How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love excepts me as I am

Come burn in me
Come burn in me
Come burn in me
Burn in me
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