Jan 22, 2007 22:53

I know, I'm a terrible person for saying this, but I resent everything about my roommate right now. She was just using my computer in her room--just took it upon herself to pack up and bring it in there. I went to bed fuming. An hour later (aka now) I got up and asked if "I could use my computer." She said, "Of course." Well, I then said "You know, I bought that last year with my tax return. You could probably get one for a fraction of the price with your tax return this year." A little catty, don't you think?
She seldom cleans the catbox (it smells like ass with two cats after about 10 minutes)--I think it's because she's too FAT to get to it!!
She spends almost all of her free time on MY computer that I spent MY tax return on last year!!
She puts wet dishes (only three--heaven forbid you DRY THREE dishes) on the counter in front of my toaster oven. There is one square foot of space there, and it is needed for toaster oven access. There are FOUR square feet on the OTHER counter, but can she use that one? You know the answer, come on..."NOOO" So when I come home hungry I need to move the pans and the towel to the other counter. So I dried them. So I could cook something to eat after work.
Did I mention that she does not use the heat-retardant LAP DESK for MY computer? Maybe she will start taking naps in my bed!
Oooh, and all the time she spends on the computer will lead her to another guy who is probably disappointed that that nice girl from YAHOO weighs FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS because she ate MY popcorn while using MY computer to find said guy in the first place!!!
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