
Apr 14, 2004 13:30

What the hell have I been up to? Let's see if I remember ( Read more... )

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jeffxl June 24 2004, 21:02:59 UTC
Good luck on your senior recital.

Oh wait, that was months ago. JA JA JA JA


caulkrocket June 25 2004, 15:08:20 UTC


tommyhollywood September 3 2004, 18:34:37 UTC
Hey, you're right! My excuse is that I replied to Sam's LJ message while either drunk or after getting up at 6:00 in the morning after a sleepless night. Let's just forget about the other possibility (that I'm a stupid idiot).

The recital WAS months ago and I STILL haven't received a copy of the Super Mario Bros Medley. Man, Sam's a dick!


caulkrocket September 4 2004, 21:44:58 UTC
He sure is.

To be honest, our performance of the Mario Medley at my recital didn't go so well. I mean, there were no train wrecks or anything, but at that point I was on auto-pilot and played some very obvious bad notes at some points. I'm waiting to get copies of the 2 other times we performed it, and hopefully they sound better.


tommyhollywood September 5 2004, 12:41:57 UTC
Well at least he knows he is.

It's understandable that you want to find the best copy of the Mario Medley available. I'm VERY discriminating when it comes to orchestral versions of video game music. Hook me up when you get the copies of the other two performances.

Just so you know though, I plan on thoroughly whooping you at Super Mario Kart next summer for making me wait so long to hear the sweet, sweet melodies of the Mario Medley.


caulkrocket September 5 2004, 18:15:33 UTC
Ha, you'll be so rusty from sitting there in China, while I hone my Mario Kart skills. You won't stand a chance. I'll beat you in Mario Kart while using the controller with my ass.


tommyhollywood September 6 2004, 14:51:13 UTC
You will definitely win if you use the controller with your ass because I'll forfeit the game and get the hell away from you.

I've been looking at lots of Asian porn and other activities lately in order to perfect my hand-eye coordination, so I'm confident that I will be crowned Supreme Kart Grandmaster when we determine who the ultimate kartsmith is early next June. Sorry, Sam, but you's be in big, big trouble if you have the misfortune of playing against me.


caulkrocket September 6 2004, 20:51:03 UTC
You bettah bring it.


tommyhollywood September 7 2004, 03:44:31 UTC
Consider it brought.


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