I had my after-surgery visit with my doctor today. He asked if the pain was gone, and I said it was about the same. I still can't move it around all the way, and it is most certainly not all the way healed yet, but it was concerning me that I'm feeling the same pain from it as before. I was hoping he would say that's just where it's still raw and unhealed, but instead he told me he was sorry, and that it's the arthritis.
It's just going to hurt me from now on. Also that if I was planning on a career in construction that involved hours a day on a jack-hammer, that I was gonna have to reconsider (I like this doctor a lot, he's funny).
Sadly, I'm kinda....using my wrist. A lot. Not being able to have it for school is really hard to work around. He didn't seem to think that writing or drawing should bother me, but I don't think he quite gets how much movement we're talking about. Writing and drawing is what's giving me the the pain--that's really the only trouble I'm having with it. Is that the amount of writing I really need to be able to do is causing me large amounts of pain.
I've already cut back a ton on drawing--I'm barely doing it at all anymore. But I like to take notes with a pen, and study by writing things out. So I'm writing pages and pages and pages a day. Not being able to do that during the last half of last semester really messed me up.
hoooooppeeefully, it won't be as bad now though, and I'll be able to actually push through it. The inflammation shouldn't be so server now that all that scar tissue is out? (crossing my fingers) And he gave me a prescription for an anti-inflammatory specifically for arthritis. Also gonna go to physical therapist and get a ~wrist massage~ to keep the scar tissue from building up again (omg this is gonna hurt. ahhhh D:) and maybe even to help with the arthritis? Not sure how that works.
Now I just accept that there's going to be pain, start working on my left hand's lack of dexterity, and seriously try to get to where I can write better with it. Moving forward! At least I can stop now. Don't have to wonder what on earth is going on, or flit between doctors like last time. Just suck it up and move forward.