Ron Paul

Dec 28, 2011 22:33

At times, I wonder if Ron Paul is a prank that the Republican Party is playing on progressives and liberals. He says things that make a lot of sense, such as his desire to audit the Federal Reserve and to legalize marijuana, then he takes back off into the muddy skies of right wing conservatism just as he starts to draw people in. Yet, somehow, that all seems to be part of a master plan.

By stating that he wants to do the aforementioned items, he can gain a few people that may have otherwise voted for Obama or Ralph Nader. His racist newsletter posts, which have amazingly not harmed him at this point, appeal to the redneck southerners. Calling for a fence along the Mexican border appeals to the people that are just mindlessly nationalistic. And his 'honesty' allows him to tell the American public that he is just like them.

All in all, Ron Paul may have just enough appeal in the different segments of the population to actually win the Republican primaries and be their candidate for President in 2012. Basically, he is someone that can prey on the uninformed, or casually interested, voter. His apparent bright spots hide the dark underside that does nothing more than cover another completely insane corporate whore that the Republican Party loves to align themselves with.

Everything that benefits the American population as a whole will disappear under his rule. Kiss things like Social Security, MediCare, public schools, and the Pell grants goodbye. Why? Because they're the mechanisms of a 'socialist' agenda. After all, why provide anything for the people if they don't have to pay for it? America is about capitalism run amok, and Ron Paul just wants to further that.

Beware Ron Paul in 2012. He may seem like a good candidate, but is more dangerous than either Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann.

politics, society

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