The weekend started on Friday, which
ahf and I both took off. We slept in, had a leisurely lunch and got on the road in the late afternoon. Somewhat too late, as we ran into rush hour traffic on the Pike, which stayed with us until the I-84 split. But that wasn't a big deal.
We headed to Albany (NY) for
Albacon. As cons go, it's pretty low-key, almost a pure relaxicon. We basically spent 2 days or so hanging out with friends. As
ahf noted, the list of LJ user names would be horribly long so I'm not going to bother with it. Except to note that it was very nice to catch up with
brankauti, who was recently returned both from a month in the UK and to the SF convention "art scene". Hopefully we'll be seeing more of her at other cons in the near future. We came back Sunday afternoon and vegged for the evening.
Today we went to the
Topsfield Fair. We wondered around, looked at bunnies and photography, raptors and flowers, rides and vegetables and had a pretty decent time.
ahf got a hair wrap put in and we had corn on the cob and otherwise avoided the scary fair food.
And now we're home and figuring on an early evening because tomorrow we go back the real world and work, which means being up way too early.