Supernatural 4.14 - Sam caps

Feb 08, 2009 13:40

[461] Caps of Sam Winchester from Supernatural episode 4.14

Those who know me know that I'm a die hard Samgirl and I can not get over how amazing Sam looked in the newest Supernatural episode, 4.14!

I plan on making some graphics from that episode and I got a little bit carried away with capping it *g* There were just too many scenes were Sam looked amazing! I especially tried to catch every little emotion in his face. He's so expressive :D

These caps are large (1280 X 720 px) and I decided that I needed to share them because I want as many people out there to make graphics of pretty Sam from this episode!!!

So feel free to snag the caps, whether to make graphics of them or to just drool over them :P No need to credit me if you use the caps for anything. I do not own Sam's hotness ;-)

(ps. there might be a few Dean pictures that snuck in there when he was also being a total hot-ass ;-)


414A (99mb) | 414B (100mb) | 414C (99mb) | 414D (90mb)

caps: sam winchester, caps, caps: spn episode

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