Supernatural 2.17 SPOILERS! - 3 info page banners.

Mar 24, 2007 04:24

I am posting these here mostly just for archive purposes.

I suppose these are both spoilery and not dial-up friendly. So they go behind a cut! :P

I wasn't sure what I wanted to make in Photoshop tonight so I decided to make animated info-page banners. lol. They seem pretty useless cause they take long to load (.gif) and they are very spoilerish for Supernatural 2.17 - Heart. I don't even know when it's been long enough since an episode aired that it's okay to put something like this on your user info.

Anyways, these banners are for sharing. If you want to use them, please upload them to your own space. A credit is a must cause these took a shitlong to make!

Give them some time to load.

*edit: requested by captainfla
Sharable as well...

*wibbles* Sam crying just breaks me to little pieces!! I want to cuddle him SO badly! My love for this episode knows no boundaries. And I've discovered that Jared's dimples will one day finally KILL me!!

I am going to make more of these sort of banners later for myself personally but I'll probably share them as well. But anyways, yeah, snag if you'd like XD

animations, banners: info page, banners, supernatural

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