I have my final exam tomorrow. YAY!! And you know what that means? That I'll finally have time to make some new icons! *bounces* I can't wait!!
And according to the poll I did not too long ago, I'll be making icons of good old Orlando =D But I'm also going to indulge myself and make icons of my new favorite, the Supernatural show and boys *swoons*
But because I am the queen of procrastination, I created this icon-makers meme that I mixed together a couple of older memes :)
The IconMakers Choice Meme:
rule: all icons posted below MUST be created by you and no one else.
1. What is your first icon ever?
I can't be sure which one I made first.
Clark. Awww woobie!! and Lex!!! Nnnnnggghhhhh
2. Which is your least favorite icon you've ever created recently?
I just hate the gradient I used for this icon. It looks buttugly!
3. Which do you currently use most often (in your personal journal)?
Probably this one since it was my default for a good while. But now I'm using more icons by others cause I just haven't had the time to make my own Supernatural icons *g*
4. Which do you consider most creatively made?
This icon was a LOT of work!! Cause it has two different animations in it, the girl walking and then the text moving. They don't move at the same pace and they don't have the same number of frames and it was just a lot of work getting it all to fit and I'm very proud of it =D
5. What is your newest icon?
It's been a while but I think it's this one.
6. Favorite creative cropping icon?
It just... moves me! ;-)
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Also, a lot of the croppings in the post with this batch are all pretty creative :)
7. What icon batch do you consider good but didn't get its deserved attention?
My girl batch!
I thought these icons were just the BOMB when I made them and I still do! I love them and I'd really like to work with this style again =D I don't know why they weren't more popular. Could be cause they are girls and my target-group is mostly into the men or that the style was just too out-there or something. lol. But I still love them and do still use some of them in my personal journal :)
8. What batch of icons have you yourself never used any of?
oooh I don't have a batch posted with icons that I've not used any from!!! I looked at them all and there was always at least one icon I used at some point :)
9. Which icon best depicts your biggest fandom?
I think it's just general Orlando love =D
10. Which best depicts your smallest?
It's probably Entourage. Which is just WEIRD!! Why is that show not bigger in the world of LJ? The show is so much awesome =D
11. What is your most romantic icon?
The combination of the original picture and the text...
12. What is your most sad icon?
This one just breaks my heart. He looks so sad and broken there. Though this is one of my all time favorite Orlando pictures.
And this one also!!! So much hurt in it! *pets him*
13. What is your most angry icon?
Although in this picture he's actually just more commanding than angry. hehe But the icon comes off as angry if you haven't seen the movie :P
14. What is your most happy icon?
Awwwww Orlando in costume being SO happy. He really was the most adorable kid ever when they were filming LotR (even though this picture was taken years after the filming was over during re-shoots for Return of the King)
15. What is your favorite song icon?
I've always loved this icon and really liked the way it turned out. And the text is from a Cure song but I can't remember for sure.
and this one,
It's from one of my all time favorite songs, Fine Line with Will Young.
16. Which fandom have you contributed the least to?
I don't know if this counts as a "fandom" but if it does, it's got to be the
girls. I really don't do all that many icons of women but I really want to change that. There are way more gorgeous pictures to use of women to make icons of than there are of men.
17. Which fandom have you contributed the most to?
hahaha, durrr, Orlando Bloom!
18. Which fandom would you most recommend to others (icon-quality wise)?
I generally don't much look at other peoples icons cause I suffer from the worst case of jealousy when I see pretty icons. So I figure it's just better for me not to 'look' all that much *g* But from what I've seen so far, there seems to be very high quality in the Supernatural fandom. Seems like everyone is joining that fandom lately ♥ ♥
19. What is your favorite ship/pairing icon?
I actually haven't made an icon with this pairing so I'll just have to show you my favorite pairing wallpaper :P
20. What is your favorite movie icon?
Will Turner yo!!!
I've also always been very fond of this one
21. What is your favorite mini-movie/animated icon?
I love all my animated icons but I think this one has to be my favorite. I just like everything about it. I like the animation but I also love the background in the icon. Usually these mini-movie icons just have a blank background and then the small movie in the middle (which is something I'm totally guilty of doing). But I try to these little things for decoration like in this one,
22. What is your funniest icon?
I don't know if anyone else finds this icon funny but I do!! It just has me laughing every time I use is. The original picture I used in this icon is just too funny! :D
23. Your saddest attempt to "run with the flock" (e.g. copy the latest trend)?
*rolls eyes*
I don't even like those little boxes of different colours!! It was a stupid trend!
24. What is your most droolworthy icon?
yeah that makes me drool!! hehe. It's just so intimate *g*
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25. What is your favorite quote icon?
lol. Saying 'arrrrr' counts as a quote, right? :P
26. What is your favorite private joke icon?
Cause yeah, drama IS fun when it's not about you ;-) Created during a late-night chat with
[never shared anywhere]
27. What's your favorite smartass icon?
hehe Katelando lurrrrv ;-)
28. And finally, of all the icons you have shared, which is your all time favorite?
It's got to be this one. I think it was the first mini-movie icon I ever made (at least one I thought was any good) and I've always loved it so much =D
Hope you've enjoyed viewing my meme. Took me probably around two hours to fill out the meme!! O.o Should really get crackin' on those books now if I want to pass my exam tomorrow :S
Ps. All icons posted here are for sharing and you are welcome to snag anything. I've included links back to all the original icon posts where you can find more icons from each batch. Just remember to credit
caugraphics for any icons you take :)