May 30, 2005 19:02
I graduated high school! That was entertaning. The speeches were really, really good. They weren't the cliche/insperational speeches. They were funny and cute and they touched my heart.
When I went up there to get my diploma (you shake with the right, grab with the left, right?) I shook the lady's hand and I said "hello." and she looked all confused at me. I'm such a dork. Why did i feel the need to introduce myself to the diploma lady? Anyways... I get off the stage and Ms. Prody is there shaking hands because she was our "staff representitive" and she shakes my hand and says "I love your poetry! Keep writing! Be famous!". So I grab her and hug her and walk away trying not to cry. She's so fucking nice to me. She just warms my heart. At the end of the ceremony, most of us throw our caps into the air. I lose my cap but Erik Olsen finds me one and I take it home with me.
After graduation, a good portion of the senior class herds together and groups on to a few buses and head to the Mermaid for our all night senior party. There are many activities there: gambleing, boxer bingo, mini golfing, and more. I spend most of my time in the "casino" (they just gave us 100,000 worth of chips. you could gamble them to get more and trade in your chips to get prizes like gift cards and sweat shirts). At the end of the party, there's a raffle. There's some really good prizes. The one i wanted was a Kodak easy share digi cam with printing dock. Sadly, none of my friends or I came away with a prize, but a good time was still had by all.
I get home at 5:30 am. I go to the mail pile to see what i've missed since i moved out. I see that i got a really thick letter from the U of M. I start to freak out a little. I'm praying that it's an acceptance letter from the U as i tear at the envelope. The first word i read is "Congratulations!". I break out into tears. It was such a relief to have any news and even better to hear that I got in. So, all in all, a good day.