Dec 28, 2006 23:00
So, here is a list of some things that I got for X-mas. I still have a exchange gifts with some more people, and see some more family, but this is most of what I have gotten so far:
*New Cell Phone
*My permit paper thing.
*New TV
*New DVD player
*Scratch tickets (I only won $4)
*2GB Memory Card for my Camara
*a bunch of Bandanas
*$12 gift card for Dunkin Donuts
*$25 gift card for Newbury's
* A ton of blank CD's
*A book of Sudoku puzzles
* A Comforter for my bed
*Pirates of The Carribean - Dead Mans Chest
*King Kong
*Lost - Season 2
*Jacks Mannequin - Everything In Transit
*Boys Like Girls CD
*Cute Is What We Aim For - The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch
*Anberlin - Blueprints For The Black Market
and a bunch of other little things.