itunes love.. ipod hate.

Jan 19, 2007 19:32

iTunes Survey

How Many Songs? 1644

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First artist: +44
Last artist: Yellowcard

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First song: (Another Song) Your Star - Evanescence
Last song: (And she said) Take Me Now - Justin Timberlake

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Shortest song: My friend Matthew singing [0:15].. Then My Funny Valentine - Katherine McPhee [0:18]
Longest song: I Wish You Were Here - Matchbook Romance [15:41]

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First album: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out - Panic! At The Disco.
Last album: The Paramour Sessions - Papa Roach <33.

First song that comes up on Shuffle: Freakum Dress - Beyonce.

How many songs come up when you search for "sex"? 42.
How many songs come up when you search for "death"? 29.
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? 242. <3.
How many songs come up when you search for "you"? 100.
How many songs come up when you search for "why"? 15.
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