May 14, 2006 22:12
Was shattered when I got picked up this morning but also enthusiastic and eager to see what the day would bring.
Similar things went on as happened yesterday, though I made sure I told Myra about my box present that’s for sure.
Firstly we did another journey and had to climb a mountain to find a book behind a stone. I saw a hedgehog this time and a frog in the water and the stone was a big rough standing stone. The book was a crimson leather bound effort with gold leaf inlaid on the cover but which was old and wearing off, and there was a clip like lock on the side. I didn’t see my guide this time though. I saw my Nan. She was just kinda waiting for me to open the book. Said right, here’s your fresh start you were wanting, now get on with it. So I opened the book but there was nothing inside it yet. It was just blank and there was a quill type pen and a pot of ink next to the book waiting for me to write in it.
We did this exercise later on too while undergoing our third attunement too. I was supposed to head straight for the book but this time something made me divert and I went and did something that I have done in real life in the past, and went and left some emotions I’ve been carrying concerning a couple of people in the care of a tree. Then I headed off down the path again and found my book. My Nan was there again, but this time there was writing in the book, but it was Japanese calligraphy and I couldn’t read it.
However the strange thing this time was that when I was coming back down the mountain again, and reached the bridge there was someone else waiting for me. And that was Rochdale Michelle. Which is really fucking insane. I’d have to be mad to get with this girl. Honestly! But she was there nonetheless and we ended up holding hands and walking back together the way I came. Very very strange that was.
We did some more cards today too. I had an angel one representing the Angel of Creativity which is obviously telling me that I will get into the writing or possibly the music more again and that all I have to do is express my feelings more to do that. I also had an Aborigine one depicting a black swan, which was to do with not being a victim and taking responsibility for your own life. Basically fighting back when you feel trodden on. And that was very relevant right now too I thought.
Most of the afternoon was spent doing healing on others though. I was working on my mate Ali from counselling and it was very odd. She did me first and although I felt the heat at the start I felt really cold for most of the experience which is negative energy leaving your body. Then it was my turn to do her. It was really hard cos we were using a bed, not a proper table, and it was low so I was bending over a lot which was killing my back and hurting my wrists too which I have a lot of trouble with - you have to place your hands in particular positions see and it’s sometimes a stretch. Now I was a bit unsure of the affect I was having at times, but there were points at which I could definitely feel it working, and weirdly it was at these points especially that Al said she had strange feelings. When I was doing her eyes she could feel energy from me and thought I was moving my hands up and down, but I wasn’t. She thought I was making odd piano playing movements above her lol She thought I had worked on her legs and knees cos she could feel a lot of heat there, but I hadn’t, and then when I got to her feet, at which point I really felt it cos I was touching her more, and I was personally feeling quite sick at that stage for some reason, she said she could feel the energy pulsing. You then have to lie on your front and she got all sorts of colours when I was working on her shoulder blades, so yep really weird that such a small interaction you have with someone can be so dramatic. Kinda freaked me out a bit really that cos she was like so amazed, and you know what I’m like, I believe in this kinda shit, but when it comes to me totally believing in myself and me being able to do any of this stuff, there is always some half of me that doubts myself. So yes. Odd.
We then finished off with the fourth attunement, by which time my back was killing me and I thought I was going to pass out at one point because I had been sat up so long in one position and chatted a little more about Reiki options now open to us before deciding that as a group we are all going to try and do Level 2 together in December. I can’t do it before then, though I really want to, as you have to wait six months in between each one to adjust to having it. It does change you see which is probably a good thing in my case. But still I can maybe do some type of distance work, even though it won’t be strictly Reiki as such because I won’t know the symbols and stuff. I know I can do this already see as I’ve done it before. And I know it works because Kara told me. So I will give it a go and do it on myself a lot in the meantime too.
Tonight I am very tired though I have spent a lot of time chatting this evening. Had bad news tonight though. Zoe’s gran died in her sleep last night just after we all got in from going to the Dudley, so today isn’t really a good day for that reason. However if today has taught me one thing it’s that energy is a very powerful thing. It transforms and it never dies. And I know somewhere out there, Zoe’s gran will no doubt be raising a toast to her family, feeling especially proud of them and the way they battle on. She’s not the only one who’ll be thinking of you all right now Vags crew. Love you all lots. xo