(no subject)

Feb 25, 2009 21:26

I know that I talk about my mother a lot here, and that it's
usually depressing but sometimes if I don't get it out here then
it festers inside of me, so I'm sorry for subjecting you to having
to (or maybe not having to) read this crap. I really want to do
everything in my power to convince her (and my dad) to let me live
with my sister this summer. If not, I honestly believe I will go
bat-shit crazy and do something bad.

It's bad enough that I almost relapsed that night they were
going to kick me out/make me break up with Kevin. I was so
so close to doing that again. I don't want to be in that position.

Anyway, anyway. Happier news? My AP Stats teacher called me
a genius today because I got all of the questions right in
the exercise we were doing in class. Yeah, yeah- it made be
feel pretty awesome for a minute.

I got a call from Mel saying that I need to go to Qdoba to
talk to the manager about hiring me (because she put my app
and a very sweet and awesome recommendation letter on her desk) tomorrow.
Which I'm so going to do. And I'm going to look very nice, too.

It would be so awesome to start earning some actual money,
and work for nicer people. AND work with Melody :D

I've also come to the realization that, if it's even possible,
I've fallen in deeper love with Kevin. This has happened because
I watched an episode of "Tool Academy" the other day (which is rare, right?)
and I've been reading some (okay, a lot of) entries from F*** My Life
and he is just the most amazing boyfriend and wonderful person I've ever met.
And he says some of the cutest/sweetest things, too.

Like? Well... this was from the other night, I think... Sunday?
He said: "I would've ended my life by now if it wasn't for you Sonia.
I love you so much baby, it's redonkulous. You are the light of my days,
and the love of my life. And I couldn't even begin to imagine being any
happier than I am with you baby..."

He's so good to me. ♥
And I'm so thankful for him.

AND for you, my lovely friends.
Thank you for being in my life.

Anyway! I should probably make that CD for yearbook.
Or else they're gonna be pissed at me.
Hah. Bastards. (:

I love you all. Sweet dreams, and good night.


texas roadhouse, mom, kevin, school, qdoba, melody, myra

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