(no subject)

Nov 30, 2008 17:49

I don't know how long this will be,
so I'm going to initiate a livejournal cut.

This week,
was incredible.
I have had happiness oozing from my pores.
Thursdayy... went to Kevin's.
We made lunch together, watched a movie,
headed over to his Grandparent's for dinner
and came back.

Zac and Emmerson came over for a while,
and I was really tired so I slept while they hung out.
Woke up, gave Kevin his surprise
(Alls I'm sayin's is,
it was black and pink and really revealing.)
This led to that and we slept.
Or sort of. I had this awful dream
and I couldn't open my eyes because I saw
this guys face and I couldn't close my eyes
cause it was there too,
and it was dark anddd terrifying ):

Friday, we woke up and drove down to Concord,
hungout with his mom and sister for a while-
got to meet Ashley's little boyfriend thing ("Tripp")
then we met his dad for dinner and went to the movies
(Quantum Solace. It was alright, not my favorite Bond movie...)

I slept like a rockkk that night.
Talked a lot to his mom about all sorts of stuff.
It was nice (:
Oh! And we helped her decorate the tree,
which was really fun (:

Saturday we made lunch
for ourselves, his mom and Ashley
(it was deliciousss).
Then his dad came home and Kevin
had to tell him about being re-accepted to UNCG.
That was not good ):
They went outside.
Lots of yelling,
and we left after that.

Sat around Zacs when we got back to
Greensboro waiting for some green.
Kind of an awkward situation because there
were a few people there I didn't know/
made it really uncomfortable. Whateverrr,
I bought us dinner and we went home and drank.
Then the guys came over and we drank some more.
And drank some more.

): I got kind of really fucked up.
BUT! Good side to this story is,
Zac and I had a really big heart-to-heart.
I'm talking like... some deep in the soul kind of shit.
It was awesome. I don't remember everything we talked about,
but I remember most of it.

then Kevin and I went to sleep again.
More of a... attempted at the ol' in-out, in-out but
I ended up feeling like shit and crying and falling asleep.
But it was okay, because he was there and calmed me down.

I wish I could tell you what he says to me.
It's just the right thing. He makes me feel like
I am on top of the world, even if tears are streaming down my face.
He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl.

Then this morning we got up,
watched a movie. Ramen for breakfast :D
I showered and waited until I had to go home ):

This vacation was not long enough.
And I have never felt more relaxed and stress-free.
I love him,
and I know that he is my soul mate.

On another note,
I really want to get a kitten with Kevin.
But neither of us have the room or money ):
Maybe later. Like, next year. :D

I'm going to make holiday cards and send them this year.
So, if you want one, leave me you rname and address and what holiday
or any specifics you'd want. If you don't feel comfortable
announcing it over LJ, email me.

I also watched this really cute German movie today.
Lissi und der wilde Kaiser. It had a lot of refrences to
Shrek, King Kong, Snow White, King Ludwig, that sort of stuff, but it was cute.
It was about this princess that gets kidnapped by a
Yeti but eventually they become friends.

Even if you can't understand German,
check it out sometime. (:

love, cards, kitten, ramen, kevin, zac, drunk, sleep, thanksgiving

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