Nov 17, 2008 19:40
So, I realized today just how many friends I've lost, or don't have anymore. Either that, or most of them live in Greensboro. I suppose that's something positive, at least. I'm trying to build good friendships there, so at least I won't e alone when I make my way to college.
I am opening up, too. Hopefully I will keep it that way when I move into the dorms and meet my roommate. I'm secretly hoping that she will be at least a little bit like me, and not a polar opposite. That would kind of suck ): I mean, I'm not a mean person but it just frustrates me when I have to be in (let alone, live with) someone who would constantly argue with me.
I mean, if she's totally different than me but we can TALK about stuff, even though we have different viewpoints, then that's okay. I can enjoy that. Hm, something to think about, at least. Speaking of Greensboro and new friends, though, several people have added me that went to Kevin/Emily's school. They're pretty cool. Trying to organize a picnic type thing this Saturday to get together and hang out with everyone (:
I'm such a creeper, haha. I visited this girl's LJ from the ljsecret community and stole this meme from her (and I think she's really kind of cool but that sounds even more creepy).
Anyway! Here, something positive:
Countdown Survey
10 Songs You Love
10. Infected - Bad Religion
9. Angel - Jack Johnson
8. Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra
7. Casey Jones - Grateful Dead
6. Salvia Divinorum - 1200 Mics
5. DMT - 1200 Mics
4. Obnoxious - Immortal Technique
3. Joker - Steve Miller Band
2. Handlebars - Flobots
1. Generator - Bad Religion
9 Things That Can Make You Relax
9. A good book.
8. Breathing.
7. Music.
6. "Road trips".
5. Cooking.
4. Baking.
3. Writing.
2. Ganja.
1. Being with people I love, and/or talking to Kevin.
8 Great Movies
8. Paris, Je T'aime
7. Requiem for a Dream
6. Grandma's Boy
5. White Oleander
4. Across the Universe
3. The Shining (1980)
2. Amelie
1. Moulin Rouge
(in no particular order)
7 People Who Are Important to You
7. LJ friends (:
6. Parents (unit, seriously)
5. Maggi
4. Myra
3. Emily
2. Melody
1. Kevin
6 Places You Want to Go
6. Germany
5. Russia
4. France
3. Ireland
2. Japan
1. Canada
5 Goals, Long-term or Short-term, Silly or Serious
5. See TOOL live in concert, no matter the ticket cost.
4. Open up a bakery, somewhere.
3. Independence after college, most definitely.
2. Spend forever with him.
1. Live a comfortable life.
4 Things You Love About Your Best Friend
4. He makes effort with our relationship.
3. He understands me better than I understand myself.
2. He would do anything for me, I am sure.
1. He loves me unconditionally.
3 Good Books
3. Invisible Monsters
2. Perks of Being a Wallflower
1. 1984
2 Things That Make You Nervous
2. The dark. Anytime, all the time.
1. Interviews.
1 Thing That Makes You Really Happy
1. Life, and everything packaged with it.
loss of friends,