020 - say hello to stepford mal - video

Apr 25, 2011 11:27

[Boy oh boy does Mal ever look cheerful. Like she almost always does of late in your slightly altered memories of her. Yes, she went through a bit of a rough patch there a couple of months ago. Her intimates know that happened when she found out about what her husband did to her -- but bar some completely reasonable and understandable grieving, she's largely bounced back, as she always does, being a good-natured sort of lady and not prone to moping or depression at all. You might almost wonder what she's even still doing here.]

Good morning, everyone! My friends, I hope you're all well and none the worse for wear after our recent flood.

Now, I recall that not long ago, Paddy Maguire put out a call for special requests in the dining hall. Paddy and Iroh, with your leave, might I do the same for the breakfast shift? We've gotten into a bit of a rut, I think, and I'd welcome the chance to get out of it for a little while.

[Cheerful smile and a perky wave.] Have a lovely day, everyone.

[In addition to any replies you might want to make, action threads anywhere/anywhen on the Barge are also welcome!]

.bill costigan, breakfast shift, .iroh, altered state

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