017 - text

Apr 01, 2011 09:59

[Background: This morning, after sleeping off a couple of days' worth of child-induced exhaustion, Mal turned up at her breakfast shift on time, but was moody and uncommunicative and eventually made her excuses to Iroh and the rest of the team and left about half an hour early. She's been moping in her room since, and about midday, she posts the following.]

[Filter: Mal's flood brood-Angelica, Sexby, Arthur, Sveta]
I'm sorry for sending you all out so brusquely yesterday; I was quite tired, as you might guess. I hope that you are all well.

[Private to Iroh]
I'm sorry I left early this morning, and I'm afraid I must ask a favour-might I have tomorrow morning off as well? I will be back on Sunday, as usual. I just need some time

[There were going to be private messages to Costigan and Dick, but she deleted them before she sent them. :| They are welcome to use this post as a place to hang private messages off of, if desired.]

.arthur, getting better but forgiveness is hard, going to punch cobb in the face someday, .sveta nazarova, .edward sexby, .angelica sexby, .bill costigan, .iroh, floods don't help

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