prop 102- Arizona voters passed it.
J. McCain.- Won his home state. (and good.. one of the few reasons I actually went to the polls yesterday)
National Election- Hell in a Handbasket
The only hope I had was the gay proposition given my history on it.
I am completely against writing anti-gay-people discrimination into states constitutions. I am against legislation that is, on its face, anti-rights. It is not in the spirit of the framers or the history that our national and state constitutions were written, that we would restrict the attempt by these courageous Americans to find happiness and stability through marriage. (don't quote divorce rates to me either. Gay couples are statistically more likely to maintain and last than hetero couples.)
The US constitution and the subsequent state copies were written with the intent to guarantee rights, to preserve natural freedoms, to ensure inalienable privilege. As Citizens of the US, a low context society, we maintain rights until they are stripped legally from us. All rights are possessed at birth. (including the right to not be vacuumed out) Until the legislators pass a law that says that we may not do this or that, we are naturally able to. This makes the US unique in world cultures where rights are considered conferred (high context) by act of government... IOW you don't have a right to do it unless you are cleared by the authorities to do that action.
The movement that elected our new president was closely aligned with the efforts to pass prop 102 here in AZ, to pass prop 8 in Cali. The disenfranchised voters of California and arizona, the hispanics and the african americans were the swing vote and the deciding factor. These measures hid behind a positive message saying it preserves something, marriage. Other messages in the 75 billion+ campaign in CA suggested that somehow, by not putting in a yes vote your children would be exposed to all sorts of Gay related rhetoric in schools and become gay themselves because of the huge amount of gay people in our society.
California educators do not discuss any form of marriage in schools. It was asserted that it would be divisive and unimportant to practical education by the state superintendent of schools. Marriage has nothing to do with reading, writing and arithmetic as far as many of us would attest from our own education.
Openly Gay folk represent 4% of all voters according to a CNN poll ( At 4% are gay agendas really going to have such a dramatic effect on society if they marry Steve instead of Eve? Gay People have fewer numbers than the KKK and there's a black president in office. Lets think about it.
No hetero rights would be abridged by allowing openly gay couples to marry and join in a legal contract with each other. none whatsoever. Getting married today does not give a hetero couple a paycheck, a gift basket from the government. At no point does Hetero marriage benefit society. One doesn't get that social security check or the medicare or even state sponsored reproduction health benefits as result of being married. Think about what you have and tell me you are going to suffer or hurt in any way as result of Adam and Steve tying the knot in San Fran. THE ANSWER? You aren't going to hurt religiously and and you aren't going to hurt socially.
If you voted yes on 102,
If you voted yes on proposition 8,
Can I suggest taking a few moments, without the media, without the obnoxious commercials,without the pundits on fox news and CNN telling you how, consider what you have done. An act by you to "smear the queer" yet again. Golly dontcha feel good about it?