First off, just in case I forget tomorrow
Originally had today off but the Head Manager asked me to come in from 11-5pm.
For some reason my cell phone has been bitchy lately and none of my alarms went off.
I woke up just as 10:59 turned into 11o'clock.
Other than that the day went fine.
Now I'm freshly showered, dressed nicely and about to drive up to
The Villages to spend tomorrow with my Grandparents.
My mother is in Indiana with her mother and her siblings + their kids.
My brother is with his wife's family and my sister with her in laws.
I was invited to join my sister but I declined as I didn't want to impose my picky eating on them.
My manager Anne also invited me to join her family if I decided against going to the Grandparents, that was nice of her.
With my Grandparents dietary issues and my picky eating, we'll not be having anywhere near the stereotypical Thanksgiving dinner.
In fact, I think I'm cooking for myself and Grandpa is making their food.
But it is good to spend the holiday with family.