The rules:
1. Comment on this entry saying "What's up?"
2. I will reply to your comment with 5 questions.
3. You update your journal with the answers.
from dearest
azriona 1. What are you desperately hoping to be asked in this meme?
An insightful question that brings me great joy to respond to.
2. What are you hoping you're not asked?
What I want to do with my life…..cause I’m almost 25 and I have no idea.
3. If you could read only ONE TYPE of fanfic for the rest of time (say, one pairing, or one genre, not just one fandom), what would it be?
Fluffy/Angsty Romance. Where its equal parts fluff and angst with the love conquering all in the end.
4. Pet peeve.
People who don’t use their turn signals when changing lanes. How am I supposed to know you’re coming into my lane if you don’t signal properly. sheesh
5. It's your last meal. Describe it.
For appetizers:
Olive filled cheese balls and
Sausage cheese balls.
For the main meal:
Potato chip chicken with steamed broccoli covered in sharp cheddar cheese.
For desert:
A three layer Chocolate Cake with chocolate icing
and a side of chocolate covered strawberries.
from darling
jlrpuck 1. What's your favorite thing about where you live?
Its less than a mile from my sister’s house. So I can easily visit my sister, nephews, bro-in-law and mother.
2. Otters--cute sea creatures, or ruthless, teasing killers or shellfish? (inspired by your very cute icon)
Cute sea creatures. When I’m in need of an AWWWW moment, I go to youtube and find the
Otters holding hands video.
3. What's the worst job you've ever had?
Working at 84 Components, a subsidiary of
84 Lumber, helping make trusses. They were all assholes who had never matured beyond the age of 15. And they never really trained me.
4. What's your favorite month of the year, and why?
October. I love Halloween. But December is a close 2nd cause it has my birthday and Christmas.
5. What's your idea of the perfect Sunday?
Sleep til 11am. Go to the pond. Feed some fish/ducks. Take a nice long bath or go for a swim. Visit my nephews and play with them. Go back home and go to sleep around 2am.
And from delightful
shinyopals who changed up the wording of the challange to
Reply to this post with any happy prime greater than 500 (distinct from everyone else's primes) and I will ask you five questions.
1. Which type of dinosaur would you most want as a pet?
Denver… no no…
But I’ll have to go with a
Coelurosauravus like Rex from
2. Favourite type of doughnut?
Jelly Donut, the raspberry ones.
3. If you ruled the world, how many days of week and weekend would there be?
I’d have 4 days of the week, 2 days for the weekend and one restday/halfday in the middle.
Weekend | Weekday | Weekday | Restday | Weekday | Weekday | Weekend
4. Godzilla vs the Daleks, who wins?
Mothra cause it’s the prettiest.
But we all know, none of them are a match for the Oncoming Storm or Bad Wolf.
5. If a cat started talking to you, what would be your first reaction?
Then I would ask if it was happy with its current level of power over humans or did it have plans for worldwide domination.