11:00 pm: Catie decides it's time for bed. Proceeds to blow out candles.
11:03 pm: Catie picks up candle from sconce to blow out.
11:04 pm: Pernelle decides now is the best time to use her human as a ladder.
11:04 pm: Candle goes flying.
11:05 pm: Hot wax goes EVERYWHERE.
11:05 pm: Catie loses her shit.
11:06 pm: Catie cleans off the TV
11:08 pm: Catie cleans the wall and the coffee table
11:10 pm: Catie walks straight into the sharp edge of the coffee table.
11:11 pm: Blood goes everywhere.
11:14 pm: Catie can't tell where the wax is on the carpet. Says fuck that, will clean that in the morning when there's daylight.
11:20 pm: Catie limps off to bed.
11:25 pm: Pernelle jumps on the bed to make up with Catie.
11:26 pm: Catie discovers the cat is half wax.
11:32 pm: Catie holds yowling cat in sink and tries to get wax out of cat fur.
11:49 pm: Pernelle is sulking under the coffee table and Catie needs a fucking drink.
moumusu : 11:25 pm
you need a wife
boyfriend Ed to fix the wax
catystorm 11:26 pm
haaaaaa yes, yes I do T____T
yes to all of those