(D) Compare and Contrast

Jul 20, 2009 19:06

Go to Google.co.uk, enter "Graham Badman". Note the interesting message at the bottom of the page.

Next go to Yahoo's search engine and give it the same search. Note what comes up highly on Yahoo but not Google. Repeat with google.com and note the lack of the message and the presence of the previously missing item lower down the list.

Then wander over to whatdotheyknow and see this interesting reply from DCSF.

Put all of this in the context that home educators have been tarred with the child abuse brush by DCSF, Badman and education ministers and consider who's been maligned the worst.

ETA: It's now disappeared. At time of writing, searching for "baroness morgan" (education minister in the Lords) gives the same legal notice.

It says "In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at ChillingEffects.org."

OK, some screen captures. The Safari one was GIMPed to hide the other tab titles, it turns out that Susan still had a window open from earlier so I grabbed it.

This is what the search looked like earlier today

This is what it looked like at about 9pm

I've finally worked out the (obvious) difference - you get slightly different results if you use quote marks around the name. So the question is, what's been removed?
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