(no subject)

Oct 11, 2008 14:00

i have waaaay to many choices.
and the decision i make will be something that effects the rest of my life.

i can do my extern in:
florida-stay with edgar, if i could find an extern but no one seems to be hiring
indiana- live with michelle and work at notre dame..pretty much stay there as long as i want to and have a ballin job
alabama-work at the grand hotel in pointe clear and keep that job and live at home while i save the money to pay off all my student loans
tennessee-work at this three star restaurant that specializes in breads and patries and get to be creative! which you dont find most places
alaska-to hell with that crap!!!!

idk im confused..ive doe like 30 pros and cons lists and still get nothing from that.
i just wish that there was an easy way to make this decisio and know for sure that im making the right decision.
and the sad part is i have to know withing the next month :/
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