Jun 29, 2009 20:56
"My ability to reject failed, this slightly pisses me off. But I'm not going to go against him again until I figure out how to win. I'm not keen to die again, lad."
[An inkblot, after which he keeps writing as if he hadn't stopped to react at all.]
Damn, I liked it better when all we got was irrational static. Even then I preferred hearing garbage about flowers singing 2 this set.
Not 2 mention that factoring song playing x∞.
Doesn't make a bad segway in2 the question I have 4 you radians, though.
I wanna know if any data 2 knowledge speaks of any1 remembering having been killed in their previous life, be4 arriving in this sphere.
c: juliet,
c: zombie,
c: ace,
hearing voices,
c: cecdan,
that's gonna hurt in the next life,
event: siren's call,
c: justice,
dead lion walking,
investigate the problem,
attention sphere!,
billy's allergic to the undead,
mama i just killed a man,
oh memories sweet memories,
c: will,
but one of your nine lives