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Jul 15, 2005 21:40

what a cranky couple of days. this feels appropriate:

present pet peeves:
being blamed for something i don't have control over-
ex: today cody ran from the front door to greet another dog. the lady walking the great dane yelled and cursed at me saying things like "get your dog, dammit" and "he'll bite". wow, um that's your fault not mine. i'm so sorry that dogs are social and sniff each other by nature. hold on, let me call god so i can fix that for you, you stupid bitch. (luckily after she dropped off the dog, she came and apologized. thank you crazy lady for admitting you did wrong. i appreciate it.)
people who use my personal stuff without my permission-
ex: my brother used one of my razors when i was gone this last week, plus he used my loofah. eww! goddammit! not only that, i hate that he uses the rest of my shampoo because he was running out of his own. wow, i'm sorry that you are working and somehow you still can't seem to afford to by yourself hygiene products, but don't use my shit without asking me just because you get a paycheck yet i have twice as much money in my bank account!
people who push me-
i fucking hate it when people push me on an issue. i'm ok with it if we are expressing opinions or being playful, but when you ask me to do something, go somewhere, or buy something i don't like/want and i'm serious when i say no, then leave me the fuck alone.
people who think that their time is more valuable than everyone else therefore common courtesy isn't important-
TWO WORDS: FUCK OFF! i hope karma bites you in the ass, motherfucker.
ex: when i had to stop in some backwards town off the 5 freeway, not far from LA mind you, every goddamn person had their head up their ass. i especially hate it when i need to use the air/water thing at a gas station and some fucker decides to waste my time by parking there, goes inside only to come out with a candy bar. that's not the only time this happened. oh no. i had to stop again to get gas, fill up the tire, and clean a really nasty bug off the windshield. i'm already in a bitchy mood and what happens? right as i turn on the car after filling it up with gas to go not even 100 ft. to the air/water station, a huge RV pulls up and blocks the entire area. they parked in at least 4 parking spaces! they get out to check the tires. ok, i'm fine with that. you got there first, good for you. then the entire family gets out to go into the store and no one is in the goddamn RV. you can't park there!!! it took me at least another 20 min driving around to the other gas stations in the trucker town to find an air/water station that was either working or unoccupied. was that really necessary to make my life harder and put me behind in time just so you didn't have to walk an extra 50 feet, you fucktard? or what about the people who are impatient as you are using something, i hate them too. are you really that arrogant that you think that i don't have somewhere to be and that there aren't people waiting for me too? how do you have the audacity to make me feel less important than you because you have to back to your hotel in time for dinner or stupid shit like that? you know what? BITE ME!
people who think that when you make a mistake is the best time to lecture you-
granted, when some one screws up, they need to hear the truth that what they did was unacceptable. but leave it at that. no one needs to hear that they are dumb, they aren't gonna make it, and things that they already know. people who are mature enough to admit they made a mistake, don't need to be taken down a notch. they already had a hard enough time getting to the point to admit their fault and be vulnerable to you in order for you to forgive them. support is what they need. if i make you really mad and i apologize, don't size me down to make yourself feel better. tell me that what i did hurt you and thank me for the apology. that's it. (never tell me "it's ok" because if it were ok, you wouldn't be hurt) let me know when you have forgiven me and then let's move on. or if i make a mistake that i know will change things, but it doesn't really affect you negatively, don't tell me my life is screwed up. tell me that you are there to support me whether things get better or they don't. if you don't want to support me when what i did doesn't affect you and at a time i need support the most, then fuck off and lose my number because you weren't my friend in the first place.
"everything will be fine", "it will all work out in the end"-
how the fuck do you know that? last time i checked you didn't own a crystal ball or have god on speed dial! don't be unrealistic with me because you think it will make me happier. no! in fact, it makes me even more angry! if something goes wrong in my life and i'm wondering (hypothetically) if i will ever be happy with a career, don't tell me that "everything will work itself out" or "god has a plan". btw, if god even exists, he and i need to have a little chat. be realistic with me. i won't be mad at you for telling me that i might not find a career that i'm truly happy doing til i'm 40 and had a bunch of jobs that helped me figure out what i truly enjoy doing. granted it's not the happiest thing to hear but i'd rather come to terms with the reality of the situation and accept/be prepared for it than get caught in lost hopes of "everything will work out". not only that, what does "work out" mean? for who? what if what happens isn't my definition of "working out"? now what you jackass? you're wrong and you lied to me, that's what.

sorry everyone, but it felt very necessary to get this out. i'm trying not to let the past couple of happenings bother me, because it's not fair for me to take it out on anyone else. they didn't do anything wrong, i'm the one who's mad. anyway, i'm gonna go pick up scott at the airport with his mom, finish my frappuccino, and dance around to funny 80's music cause it makes me happy. :)
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