one big response to the nice comments:

Jun 10, 2005 00:52

thanks so much everybody. i was so excited by the wonderful comments left on my last journal. thanks guys!
tash: my dear i will call you sometime today, june 10th, so that we can catch up. i'm so happy for you that you start work on monday! congrats! no more home boredom! yes!

briggy: i think gilroy is about 45-hour from my house. i have no idea how far in miles, but kevin said the mall we were at was only about 30 min from his house, and i think it's about 25/30 min from my house, so i guess the chance meeting makes sense :) thanks for the toast! hope the drink was good. about the visit thing, hell yeah!! i freakin miss you so much that i think we totally should do something soon. i might have a job soon, so i'll have to see how that works out and then i will let you know when i'm free and hopefully it will be on a friday though monday ;) ...omg excitement overload!

scott: yeah i think i do need to meet more of your family. jess has a pretty big family and i met more this week. better keep up! plus i went to jared's graduation today. he graduated! i feel so old. but yeah. i really do want to meet your sisters. not sure how i feel about "darth vader" but just the fact that you have gone out of your way so i don't meet him, i'll take that as a huge hint that i shouldn't meet him. oh, btw, you're done!!! now get those finals graded and come home!! be prepared to have my prize ready, i might have a job when you get back.

kylan: so good to hear from you! yeah yeah yeah, my picture don't compare to yours mr. GQ-i-can-pose-like-a-model-and-make-it-look-easy-and-hot. hope you and travis are having a fun time in LA! oh, btw my friend jessica plays world of warcraft and she heard all about you, and wants you to join their realm and guild (whatever the hell those are) if you can. the realm is: "Hyjal" and the guild she's in is: "Apocalypse Legion". so yeah. i have no idea what her character name is but her name is jessica sinclair and just say you're the friend cathy told her about that tests video games. :)

so yeah. thanks so much guys! i can't tell you how much the support means to me! <3

p.s. tiny story: ok so i went to jared sinclair's graduation today. it was out on their field (which was hella wet but that ties into the later part of the story). first, the speeches were hella depressing. the motto of the graduation was a quote that says something like "we can live with pain, we can live with embarrassment, but remorse is a terrible friend" ........that was the theme! isn't that horrible? all of the speeches were about different pains and embarrassments during high school basically saying high school sucks, but we won't forget it. it was really depressing trust me. so you know how every graduate's worst fear is to trip on stage? well jared didn't but i fell between the field and the track. i didn't notice a sunken grate at the edge of the field, so i stepped forward, lost my footing because i didn't expect it as well as it being slippery (hence the wet field), and fell on my left knee/shin. i have a nasty scrape that looks like it's under the skin with a few tiny parts open and bleeding. when i fell no one tried to help me up or anything but somehow everybody noticed sunglasses on the ground and said " you dropped your sunglasses". here's the thing. my sunglasses were still on my face as some woman was handing me this other pair. wtf? you want to give me back sunglasses that are on the ground but you won't help me get up after i fall? i just said they weren't mine and kept walking. none of the family saw what happened except jared but he was too far to do anything about it. he asked if i was ok and made a joke of it by saying i can live with pain and embarrassment. it made me be able to laugh at myself so i felt a little better. it started to bleed more and sting though. eventually the whole family found out and wow was jessica's dad pissed that no one helped me up, which in all honesty made me feel god that he cared about that. anyway they all make sure i was ok and that i didn't fall as we walked a couple blocks toward the car. we got back to their house, cleaned it up and ate a lot of italian food. so yummy. it's still sore but i got a lot of good tips on how to take care of it from jessica's grandpa. so yeah. that's my story :) we fall, we learn, we get up and move on. the moral of the story: if you are wearing unfamiliar shoes on unstable ground, watch here you are going very closely.
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