From now on, FRIENDS ONLY

Jul 28, 2002 21:09

This is the journal of Cat Who. If you've never heard of her, you don't need to be a friend here. If you WANT to be a friend here, then shoot me a comment if you're new.

Some warnings: I won't shut up about FFXI, I have anime-ish tendences (namely, I'm a picky shipper, I like some yaoi and hate yaoi fangirls, and I do horribly geeky things like cosplay), and I am rude, callous, and snarky here as I am nowhere else on the planet. If you don't like video games and anime, then why are you even thinking about becoming a friend? BUT if you like video games and anime (and don't mind the occasional vague referance to yaoi), then come on in!