
Oct 07, 2009 10:12

I have to do some research on "fanfiction" for my next lecture.

my flist is not very big and therefore not representative.It would be nice if you could spread the word and point others to this posting. It's open to all, the comments are screened and if you like, you can to remain anonymous.

I want to know just a few things.

1 -  are you male or female
2 -  your age now
3 -  your age, when you discovered fanfiction
4 -  a) do you read ff -  b) do you write ff - c) read and write ff
5 -  how many fandoms: a) just one - b) two fandoms - c) three fandoms - d) more than three fandoms
6 -  a) slash - b) gen - c) RPS - d) all of them
7 -  slash, which fandom(s)/pairing(s) (list max. 6 fandoms)
8 -  gen, which fandom(s) (max. 6 fandoms)
9 -  RPS (list max. 6 pairings)
10 -  your absolutely "no go"
11 - a short statement about ff in general and what it means to you (max. 250 words -- I don't count!)

umfrage fanfics

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