I've finally had enough waiting for the next shoe to drop.
This is my last direct blog post to Live Journal. I'm keeping the free account up to read my friends who haven't left.
You can find me over at
Insanejournal, same handle as ever. If you've got a journal over there, please let me know in the comments to this post.
Hopefully in the next few days I'll set up a RSS feed from IJ to here.
So it seems I can't syndicate my InsaneJournal to here without paying 6A for the privilege. So here's a simple hack:
My Insanejournal RSS is at:
http://www.insanejournal.com/users/catvincent/data/rss/ Use whichever RSS reader you like, and if you feel drawn to comment just pop on over.
EDIT - my good pal Wyldraven has set me up a LJ syndicated feed from my IJ account. In short, if you friend the below LJ, you'll get what I write on IJ. You lucky people.
http://syndicated.livejournal.com/catvincent_ij/ And dear friend Pinkdormouse has set up a feed of my Wordpress blog here,
http://catvincent.wordpress.com/feed/ Mac user instructions (and a command-line ap) for copying your LJ posts (complete with comments can't copy comments over due to limitations at LJ's end. Buggerit.) over to Insane Journal can be found
here. I had to run it four or five times before all my stuff copied, but it works eventually.