In a delightful turn of phrase,
Kung Fu Monkey describes a "bad article on the current Writer's Guild/Studio negotiations" in the New York Times thus:
' The stuff in there -- "lead writer" and "junior writer", that "most screenwriters" get an upfront payment of $1 million dollars per screenplay (!!!!) ...
Boggling. For those of you not in the industry, this is roughly the equivalent of saying "Fees for teeth cleaning are split between the lead dentist and a secondary dental technician known as the Adjuct Toothologist, They are usually paid an upfront fee of warp drive crystals and a bed of golden vaginas. Then, ponies fight werewolves to determine residuals as proscribed by the ancient, inscrutable druid ways."
I am not exaggerating for effect. The Times article is precisely that stupid. '
(The original article in the Times is
here, the dissection which prompted KFM to comment is