I put a quick note up on my facebook about
this site but I feel it warrants a bit more explanation as it is a treasure trove of educational resources.
I came across some of their items at the German teachers' conference I went to a couple of weeks back. The talkballs, recordable cards and microphones were being showcased with a foreign language class slant. I even won one of the speech bubble recordable cards as a raffle prize. Froglet has been having fun being recorded and then listening to himself. :)
Anyway, I have had a closer look at the site and while the prices are not cheap, many of the resources are unlike anything available here. Many ideas can be adapted and made at home if you are a bit crafty too...
I am very impressed with the range of literacy tools and resources for children with ADHD, autism, dyslexia etc etc. to make their lives easier in the learning environment without drawing attention to them. Many of the resources would be very useful and good fun in the home environment too I reckon.
So anyway parent and teacher friends, take a look at this site.