I'm so glad this week is over. It's been crazy, but it's the WEEKEND. Jay and I are probably going out to do something... or staying in ;)
I'm talking to Marco on IM right now, he's been pretty cool toward me since the election. So that's nice. Sorry for the short update.
OOC: I don't know if it's necessary to post IM convos, but I'll post anyway.
DelRossi027: hey alex
upfrontalex: hey
DelRossi027: how r u doing?
upfrontalex: fine, you?
DelRossi027: okay...I'm getting sick of this whole manny/emma drama
upfrontalex: stuff happens, i don't really know the situation that well
DelRossi027: yea me neither, but they're bringing everyone into it, it's their conflict, they should just work it out between them
upfrontalex: Yeah, good point. Though I kind of notice a huge change in Emma this year
DelRossi027: yea...
DelRossi027: no change in Manny though
upfrontalex: haha, nope
upfrontalex: i heard about the car wash incident from ashley
DelRossi027: yea..I don't know whta to think
DelRossi027: *what
upfrontalex: Agreed. Listen, i have to go
upfrontalex: Jay and I are going out
DelRossi027: alright, me too
DelRossi027: bye
upfrontalex: Talk to you soon del rossi