Mar 29, 2006 15:17
Your gender: Girl
Straight/gay/bi?: Straight, i love boys
Single? i can finally say IM NOT SINGLE
Your birthdate: 8-13-86
Your age: 19
Age you act: either i act like im 7 or mid 20's
Age you wish you were: just as i am
Your height: like 5'9" and 3/4
The color of your eyes: Greenish hazel
Happy with it?: yupp
The color of your hair: dark blonde
Left/right/ambidextrous: Righty
Your family: mom, dad, big brother (adam), and soon a 2 sisters in law (janelle & Katie)
What's your job?: WEIU TV
Piercings?: your average ear piercing
Obsessions?: boys, food, volleyball, reality tv, the veronocas, the fray, guster (last 3 things are music), my friends
Addictions?: mmmm nothing dangerous
Do you speak another language?: used to take spanish
.Deep Thoughts - About Life And You In It
Do you live in the moment?: i try to...but i get scared to sieze the moment sometimes
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yea...ppl take advantage of me all the time.
Do you have any secrets?: Yes, one. but some people know
Do you hate yourself?: not at all. i love the person i am
Do you like your handwriting?: NOOO i hate mine
Do you have any bad habits?: nail biter...but ive kinda quit
What's your biggest fear?: tornados
Can you sing?: Yes, but when i sing infront of others i usually fake it and sing poorly enough tho i can carry a tune. i dont know why
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no
Are you a loner?: no
What are your No. 1 priorities in life?: my well being, my family, my friends
Are you a daredevil?: not really...theres not many dareing things to do but if i were given the chance i would prolly do something crazy
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: im guliable, im co-dependant, im easy to take advantage of, im not assertive...shoudl i keep going?
Are you passive or aggressive? Passive
Have you got a journal?: yes
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: im very crafty and creative, although im a bit of a hypocrite
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: to not fall so hard and fast
How do you vent?: talk and talk...then cry
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: no
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: nope
do you think life has been good so far?: YEAAA, its played out exactly how its suposed to be
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: be happy with what you are given and do ur best with it
Do you think you are good looking?: im not ugly...annnnd ANDY THINKS IM BEAUTIFUL
Are you confident?: for the most part
What is the fictional character you are most like?: never thought about that...i dont think im like anyone.
.Do You
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: weed on occasion
Read the newspaper?: i have to
Pray?: yea
Go to church?: No
Talk to strangers who IM you?: No
Sleep with stuffed animals?: i sleep with my teddy when im not sleeping w. andy
Take walks in the rain?: i like to play in the rain.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: yes, not promising ill be nice lol
Like to drive fast?: sometimes
.Would You Or Have You Ever
Liked your voice?: Yea its fine.
Hurt yourself?: Not on purpose
Been out of the country?: tiauana mexico
Eaten something that made other people sick?: no
Been in love?: only with family
Done drugs?: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: nope
Had a surgery?: no
Ran away from home?: once, then my mom found me
Played strip poker?: yes
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: YEP
Been drunk?: i go to college..u do the math
Slept outdoors?: Yes.
Thought about suicide?: i think about how sad it is and how one cold go through with it
Gone one day without food?: Yeah
Talked on the phone all night?: no
Slept with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes
Slept all day?: when i had mono
Killed someone?: no
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: ew no
Thought you were going crazy?: no
Kissed the same sex?: when im drunk i give my girl friends a peck.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No.
Been betrayed?: alot
Had a dream that came true?: yes
Met a famous person?: nope
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yesss :(
Been on the radio/televison?: I AM A REPORTER FOR WEIU TV BABY
Been in a mosh-pit?: no
Had a nervous break down?: Yes.
Bungee jumped?: no
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yea
Shoe brand?: no brand but i love cloggs
Brand of clothing?: hollister
How about parties?: i duno? anywhere i can find something cute
Wear hats?: no
Judge other people by their clothing?: if they're creepy lookin
Wear make-up?: Yes
Favourite place to shop? hollister and department stores
Favourite article of clothing?: jeans
Are you trendy?: in my own way id like to say
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: yes
. Beliefs
Believe in life on other planets?: no
Miracles: Yes
Astrology?: no
Magic?: No
God?: Yes
Satan?: Yes
Santa?: no
Ghosts?: Yes
Luck?: yes...esp. bad luck
Love at first sight?: no
Ying and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)?: Yes
Witches?: No
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: if u find the perfect match
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: nope
Do you wish on stars?: yes
.Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: Yes
Do you think God has a gender?: yes
Do you believe in organized religion?: i dont do the whole religious thing, sorry
Where do you think we go when we die?: i hope somewhere peaceful
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: no
Who is your best friend?: Laura Samaras, Kristin Matuga, Amanda Giovanni,Jamie Brown
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Laura Samaras
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: KARMA <---mom
Your favorite inside joke?: Any of Mine and Laura's Bindu jokes
Thing you're picked on most about?: lacking boobs (jr high)
Who's your longest known friend?: Jamie Brown
Newest?: Angie Taylor,Whitney Self, Khyle Sutfin
Closest?: laura
Weirdest?: angie :) i love her
Smartest?: Jenni Ketchmark
Ditziest?: MEE :( i am my own friend
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Laura/Kristin/Jamie
Who are you on the phone with most?: Laura
Who listens to your problems?: Laura/Kristin
Who do you fight most with?: none
Who's the nicest?: All of them
Who's the best singer?: Laura
Who's on your shit-list?: why would u have FRIENDS on a shitlist
Who's your second family?: Samaras's, Matuga's, Quatmans
Do you always feel understood?: sometimes
Who's the loudest friend?: ANGIE
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Andy Wilder
Do your friends know you?: YES
Friend that lives farthest away: Jamie Brown...New York :(
.Love And All That
Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?:no
Do you consider love a mistake?: no
What do you find romantic?: being yourself with that special someone. it doesnt have to be a candle lit dinner. it can be as simple as going for a car ride or playing "horse". as long as u enjoy the company u are with
Turn-on? shoulder muscles
Turn-off?: feet
First kiss?: matt wenzel jr. year high school.
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: Flattered.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?:i need to know them
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: yes
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: in the most modest sence..yes
What is best about the opposite sex?: strength
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: not being able to express feelings as openly
Are you in love?: no but im smitten!!
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: look at them until they caught me staring at him
.Who Was The Last Person Who
That haunted you?: no1
You wanted to kill?: no1
That you laughed at?: ROomie
That laughed at you?: Laura
That turned you on?: ANDY
You went shopping with?: does walmart count....amanda
That broke your heart?: andy...but he made up for it
To disappoint you?: andy. this was a long time ago
To ask you out?: andy
To make you cry?: laura (happy cry)
To brighten up your day?: andy
You thought about?: i duno?
You saw a movie with?: in a theater?? i duno
You talked to on the phone?: mom
You lost?: Joon
.Right This Moment
Are you going out?: to work in a bit
What are you wearing right now?: white comfy capris, white sports bra and a grey tank top
Body-part you're touching right now: my heel is on my other foot
What are you worried about right now?: submitting story ideas. and how we;re gonna get andys car back from the towing place :(
What book are you reading?: none
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: happy, cold,loved, anxious, hungry
Are you bored?: A lil bit.
Are you tired?: not now
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: No
Are you lonely or content? Content
Are you listening to music?: Yes