Jan 15, 2009 17:55
Ok NCEA results
Passed with Merit! (Wohoo)
I was 4 credits off though
Chem One of my best yet almost wanted better (Ok Ill stoip complaining)
E - Aqeuous
M - Oxidation and REduction
M - Organics
M - Atomic structure and thermochem
Physics - Mega wtf factor because my marks got reversed
E - Electricity (I failed this in class)
M - Mechanics
M - Neclear
A - Waves (I got E for this in mocks)
French - Well oops, Kinda messed this up. Oh well
A - Reading (how did I do so bad in reading)
A - Writing
M - Listening
M -Differentiation
A - Integration
M - Conics
A - Complex
Classics - Win
E - Alexander Essay (I got E in my essay topic YUS)
M - Roman Art (Since we never finished the topic and I chose 2 pieces of art that we didn't learn in class, this isn't too bad)
E - Aristophanes
Overall I'm ok with my results. Could have been better but oh well
And as it turns out, my french teacher didn't input one of our french internals, wtf. I got E.
Unforutnately it wouldn't have given me the apss with E. I would have been 1 off (which would have annoyed me more lol)
Oh well, no more NCEA wohoo!