First post

Sep 28, 2008 00:53

Posting here for  the first time is probably not wise to do while running a fever, but what the heck... Or maybe I should say what the frak, since Battlestar Galactica has been an all-consuming obsession of mine lately. As usual, I'm late to the party. I blame the fact that I live in a country where BSG doesn't air. At least the party isn't completely over this time, since the last episodes are still to run. Is it January yet?

So, if anyone should happen to stumble in here, here are some random things about me:
  • I love cats. I have two of them.
  • I have many hobbies, which I obsess about in periods lasting everywhere from a few weeks at a time to many months. Between periods I hardly give them any thought at all. Right now, I'd say it's discovering BSG and the whole fandom thing. Before that it was knitting.
  • I've wanted to have a blog for quite a time now, but I think I'll suck at it since I've never managed to keep a diary for more than a few days.
  • I read a lot.
  • I sing.
  • I struggle with aiming for reasonable goals and not putting too much pressure on myself. I don't know if I'll ever succeed.
  • I'm really lazy, which is totally contradictory to what I wrote just above this, but it's still true.
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