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Last night, the Portland Opera folks were kind enough to let us sit in on the dress rehearsal of their latest production: “Candide”. Out of all the lovely productions they’ve invited us to in the past, I think Candide reigns as my personal favorite. It was funny, well-sung/acted, and has a woman with only one buttock! How can you not love it? But don’t just take my word for it. If you live in the are and would like to experience Candide for yourself, I have a special offer for 50% of tickets! Sweet, huh? Just follow this link:
http://www.ticketmaster.com/Portland-Opera-tickets/artist/820919 and use the password GLITTER.
Also, many thanks to Morton’s Steakhouse for providing us with lovely free wine and food, including excellent mini steak sandwiches! It’s always such a treat to feel pampered for an evening.
I got quite a few sketches out of the evening, and I’m posting them all here for your enjoyment!